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you’re still the only one
恒久不变的 你是我的唯一 你一直是我的唯一 只有你  detail>>
you are still the one
你仍然是我所爱  detail>>
you are the only one
你是唯一的  detail>>
now and forever you are still the one
你现在仍然是那个永远  detail>>
you are the only one i care for
我只在乎你  detail>>
you`re still the one i love most
你还是最深爱的人  detail>>
am i the only one you love most
我是不是你最疼爱的人  detail>>
because one heart can only love you one
因为一颗心只能爱你一个  detail>>
because i only have one aim-love you
因为我的目标只有一个...爱你  detail>>
are you still there
拿起电话 你还听着吗 你还在吗 要对方久候之后  detail>>
one and only
独一无二 绝无仅有 木村佳乃 天生快小子 唯一的;仅有的 惟一的,仅有的  detail>>
only one
昂立1号 昂立一号 课程 唯一 张亚飞  detail>>
the one and only
有你无理只爱你 张国荣的回忆全纪录特辑  detail>>
the one and the only
只此一家别无分店  detail>>
the only one
你不孤单 意义一致原则  detail>>
there is only one
为有  detail>>
if you will only
只要你愿意  detail>>
only for you
而准备了一年的 只为你  detail>>